

Hi, We had a great time last Sunday with those who were able to come to Church. It was so good to see many whom we had not seen for…
Hi, It is great news that today we will be able to meet in person at Swansea (8am) and Charlestown (9am, 10:30am & 6pm). We are planning to also have…
Hi, According to the NSW Government we will ALL be able to meet next Sunday 24th October for worship. Whether we are vaccinated or unvaccinated. What great news! We will…
Hi Mike, I hope you're looking forward to things opening up, and especially the Church opening up in the next few weeks. We will be starting services again when we…
How are you all travelling? The last few weeks have been difficult for many, during lockdown, with normal life put on hold. There were times when it seemed that there…
Hi, As we continue to meet virtually, let us continue to remember the importance of worshipping our great God. I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your…
Hi, "Long before you gave birth to the earth and before the mountains were born, you have been from everlasting to everlasting, the one and only true God." (RSV). Let us…
Hi, We are now getting towards the end of the book of Ezekiel, a book that charters the course for hope in the midst of judgement for the people of…
Hi, Today we are going to celebrate the Lords Supper. So if would be great if you could go and get some bread and some juice in order to be…
Hi, “God is Spirit and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24) Today we have the privilege of drawing near to God through His Holy Spirit…
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