Dealing with Disaster (Nehemiah 1-2)
5 June 2022

Dealing with Disaster (Nehemiah 1-2)

Series: ,
Passage: Nehemiah 1:1-2:20


I will be preaching for the next 6 weeks on the book of Nehemiah. If you would like an overview on the book of Nehemiah (and Ezra) you might like to look at the following helpful video from the Bible Project, Watch: Ezra-Nehemiah Bible Book Overview Video | BibleProject™, it takes around 8 minutes.
It would be great for you to read through the book of Nehemiah with me prior to the service. To help you do that I have put together this guide to my Nehemiah sermon series.

Nehemiah: Good, Better or Best

5.6          Nehemiah 1-2                    Dealing with disaster

12.6        Nehemiah 3-4                    Is bricks and mortar the answer?

19.6        Nehemiah 5-7                    Is leadership the way forward?

26.6        Nehemiah 8                        Will worship solve the problem?

3.10        Nehemiah 9 & 10              Is confession enough?

10.10     Nehemiah 11-13               Nehemiah: A success or failure?

We hope that you will be able to make it to Church this morning to enjoy our time of worship and fellowship together. That is by far the best outcome for us all. But if for any reason you aren’t able to make it, we hope that you will be encouraged and challenged by the service we have put together for today.
Your brother in Christ


PS If you are sick, please let us know so that we can pray for you and help you and your family at this time. And if there are other things that we can pray for you about, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We want to walk with our brothers and sisters in Christ through all their ups and downs.